Medical professionals advise against air travel late in pregnancy but most providers offer travel insurance for women who are up to 26 weeks pregnant, provided it is a standard pregnancy without complications.

When purchasing travel insurance that covers pregnancy, you will need to complete a medical assessment if there have been any complications with the current or Am I a previous pregnancy, and if conception was medically assisted (including IVF). Complications are defined as follows: “Any secondary diagnosis occurring prior to, during the course of, concurrent with, or as a result of the pregnancy, which may adversely affect the pregnancy outcome.”

There are some general exclusions for travel insurance during pregnancy. These include:

  • Pregnancy beyond 26 weeks for a single pregnancy, or beyond 19 weeks for a multiple pregnancy.
  • A multiple pregnancy arising from an assisted reproductive program, including but not limited to IVF.
  • A multiple pregnancy with past or current complications.
  • Complications that occur prior to the issue of your policy.
  • Women currently undergoing fertility treatment or who begin fertility treatment prior to the commencement of the trip.
  • Regular antenatal care.
  • Childbirth at any stage in the pregnancy.
  • Care of the newborn child or children.

The most important thing is to find the policy best suited to your individual circumstances, so it’s worthwhile shopping around a little to ensure the best cover to keep you and your baby in good health. You don’t want to end up stranded and facing huge medical bills because you didn’t properly research travel insurance that covers pregnancy.

This is general advice only and does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or financial situation. Before you buy any policy, make sure you read the product disclosure statement.

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